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Definition of there
(Entry 1 of 4)
1 : in or at that place stand over there —often used interjectionally
2 : to or into that place : thither went there after church
3 : at that point or stage stop right there before you say something you'll regret
4 : in that matter, respect, or relation there is where I disagree with you
5 —used interjectionally to express satisfaction, approval, encouragement or sympathy, or defiancethere, it's finished
pronounDefinition of there (Entry 2 of 4)
1 —used as a function word to introduce a sentence or clausethere shall come a time
2 —used as an indefinite substitute for a namehi there
nounDefinition of there (Entry 3 of 4)
1 : that place or position there is no here and no there … in pure space— James Ward
2 : that point you take it from there
adjectiveDefinition of there (Entry 4 of 4)
1 —used for emphasis especially after a demonstrative pronoun or a noun modified by a demonstrative adjectivethose men there can tell you
2 nonstandard —used for emphasis after a demonstrative adjective but before the noun modifiedI bet I cussed that there blamed mule five hundred times— Elizabeth M. Roberts
3 : capable of being relied on for support or aid she is always there for him
4 : fully conscious, rational, or aware not all there
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The first known use of there was before the 12th century
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