Three rings: Move, Exercise, Stand. One goal: Close them every day. It’s such a simple and fun way to live a healthier day that you’ll want to do it all the time. That’s the idea behind the Activity app on Apple Watch.
Three rings: Move, Exercise, Stand. One goal: Close them every day. It’s such a simple and fun way to live a healthier day that you’ll want to do it all the time. That’s the idea behind the Activity app on Apple Watch.
Apple Watch tracks the active calories you burn. Active calories are the ones you burn through all kinds of movement, from taking the stairs at work to playing with the kids to cleaning out the garage. Being active throughout the day is an important part of living a healthy life.
The Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve completed, whether you’re just moving at a fast pace or doing a specific workout in the Workout app. All at once or a little at a time, you can earn Exercise minutes however it works for you.
Sitting too much can contribute to health problems. That’s why Apple Watch tracks your progress toward your Stand goal and motivates you to get up throughout the day. Being less sedentary can lead to lower blood pressure, increased energy, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Apple Watch doesn’t just show you how you’re doing, it gives you personalized suggestions and encouragement to close your rings.
We’ve optimized the Activity rings specifically for wheelchair users. The Stand ring becomes the Roll ring. And during the day, Apple Watch counts pushes and identifies different stroke types to award the right amount of Move and Exercise credit. There are also two wheelchair-specific workouts in the Workout app.
Check out Apple Watch Support to learn even more about closing your rings and using the Workout app. You can also get tips on using Apple Music and Apple Podcasts, measuring your heart rate, and setting reminders to breathe. And that’s just the start of what you’ll find.
Explore hands-on sessions led by highly trained team members, there to help you get the most out of your Apple Watch.